Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kristin & Neil Wedding

What a beautiful day Kristin and Neil had! The sun was shining and there was barely a cloud in the sky. It was a perfect Minnesota summer day.

Kristin and Neil were married in a tiny church in Fairbault, Minn. I loved seeing the old woodwork and all the stained glass. It had so much character. The only problem with photographing in an older church is that there isn't very much room to get around! We made it work though and got a lot of great pictures.

We wish you the best of luck Kristin and Neil! Thanks again for including us in your special day.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Jeff & Sarah Hoeft Wedding

Troy and Jeff have known each other since they were kids. It was fun to be with a group of people who have known each other for so long, seeing how Troy and the Hoeft brothers all interacted with each other. This relationship helped us to get some really fun shots. And Sarah definitely fit right in. We all had a lot of fun and we definitely laughed quite a bit!

The weather was less than perfect. I think it may have been one of the hottest days of the summer. You would never know by looking at the wedding party. Clouds soon rolled in but luckily the rain held off until after the ceremony.

Thanks Sarah and Jeff for letting us be a part of your day!

Kiera Bear 4 Month Portraits

Kiera Ring is our ADORABLE little neighbor! I just can't get over her super long eye lashes and the cute little curls in her hair. She was such a joy to photograph. We had a great time with Josh and Rachel capturing these precious pictures of their little girl. Take a look at some of my favorites from the session below. Every time I see the first picture I can't help but smile and giggle. She is just so darn cute! Great job, Kiera bear!